Michael Fajardo
Kickboxing and Jiu-Jitsu
1. Stats : Age 28, Weight: 122 lbs Height: 5'5
2. Short history in martial arts : I started in August 2013 without any martial arts background, took a couple of private lesson just to try it out and I liked it, even though the first 2 days I almost past out.
3. Why did you choose Contact Kicks ? I chose Contact Kicks because I like the techniques, I like how the coach is training us. Every time we practice our drills, when we spar, do our workouts and conditioning coach Steve watches us, correct us and show us how it is done.
4. What are your future goals regarding martial arts training ? My future goals in martial arts is to keep training and hopefully win the fight when I get in the ring.
5. Favorite technique ? superman punch, jumping knee kick
6. Other hobbies : pool (billiards), snowboarding, video games, lying down staring at the ceiling with headphones on listening to metal music to block out the world.